25 March, 2019
Codex to discuss adoption of key food additive provisions
The 51st Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA51) is taking place this week, 25-29 March, in Jinan, China. to consider the adoption of key food additive provisions for inclusion in Codex Commodity Standards and in the General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) – the international single authoritative reference point for food additives and source of food additives recognised as suitable for use in foods and whose uses are technologically justified.
The CCFA51 agenda includes also the discussion on, among other issues, the:
- Development of wording for an alternative to Note 161, which exempts the application of a Codex food additive provision subject to the national legislation of the importing country, relating to the use of sweeteners
- Terms “fresh”, “plain”, “unprocessed” and “untreated” in existing Codex texts
- Revision of the International Numbering System (INS) for food additives – Priority list of substances proposed for evaluation by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).