26 November, 2019
Codex Nutrition to discuss key issues impacting food and food supplements
The 41st Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) is taking place this week, 24-29 November, in Dusseldorf with a very busy agenda of items impacting food and food supplements.
The meeting is extremely well attended. The number of delegates participating in this Committee grow year by year, making this Committee the highest in number of participants together with the Codex Commission.
Among the many items for discussion, the following topics receive special consideration:
- The Review of the Standard for Follow-Up Formula Products.
- The Guidelines for Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods.
- Setting conditions for use of a claim for “free” of Trans Fatty Acids in foods.
- Definition for Biofortification.
- Setting Nutrient Reference Values based on levels of nutrients associated with nutrient requirements (NRV-R) for older infants and young children
- Mechanism for considering the technological justification of food additives
- Proposal for new work to develop Guidelines on Nutrient Profiles for application to Front of Pack Labelling.
- Proposal to start new work to develop Guidelines on the Use of Probiotics in Food and Food Supplements.